Thursday, October 17, 2013

Description Of Natural Treatment For Eczema

By Muriel Noel

Eczema can be described as a dermatological disease that can affect every kind of people. There are different symptoms associated with the condition. It can also affect any parts of the body. There are many available steroid medications available on the market for the disease. However, many steroid medications have dangerous side effects. The good thing is that there is natural treatment for eczema that does not have harmful side effects. Some examples are described below.

Turmeric is a well accepted traditional medicine of Indian origin, and its use in dermatological condition has been mentioned in the Ayurveda. The curcuminoids present in the rhizome of turmeric have antimicrobial, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory properties that are supported by clinical trials. A homemade paste of turmeric powder can also be beneficial in the treatment of the disease.

The second example is aloe vera. Over the last decade, this plant has been marketed by many cosmetic companies for its beneficial use in many dermatological conditions. The chemicals present in aloe vera are said to have anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, soothing, and antimicrobial properties that have been proven in many scientific studies. The gum part of this plant, when applied regularly and directly on the affected skin, can cure the condition in a short period of time.

The third example is essential oil. Essential oils from plants such as chamomile, thyme, frankincense, and spike lavender can sooth and relieve the different irritating symptoms. Essential oil aids in relief of itching, pain, and scaling.

Walnuts are the last. Many dermatologic commercial companies add walnuts to their products. Walnut is said to have soothing and relieving effects for many dermatological diseases. It is used for many dermatologic conditions since ancient times. This product is said to have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The natural treatment for eczema not only relieves the symptoms but also helps to cure the disease. It doesn't produce any side effects. They are also economical when compared to expensive steroidal creams.

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