Friday, April 23, 2010

The Face Eczema Treatment

Atopic dermatitis is another name for eczema, and it is a skin disorder that causes inflammation of the skin. Moreover, this condition can cause the formation of dry, red patches.Two of the most common things that will trigger eczema is stress and allergies. The best eczema treatment for adults will aim to keep your itchy skin under control and reduce flare ups.

Since allergies play a huge role in the occurrence of this skin disorder, it makes sense that one of the best eczema treatment for adults is to eliminate allergens. Some of the things you should look to avoid include perfumes, laundry detergent, and certain creams.Another effective treatment involves using moisturizers that don't contain dyes or perfume.

Eczema Treatment For Adults - 5

Things You Can Do to Treat

Yourself in Your Home

When you take a bath you should moisturize yourself as soon as you get out. The best moisturizer you can use is one that is really greasy, especially if your skin is very dry. Vegetable shortening and petroleum jelly have both proven to be effective moisturizers.The third eczema treatment for adults involves using natural herbs to help make your skin healthy.

Some of the best herbs known to treat this condition include myrrh, dandelion, and red clover.You can either use these herbs as a treatment by taking them as capsules or you can use them and make a tea.The fourth thing you can do to treat yourself involves making a paste. Take some powdered golden seal and vitamin E oil and then add a small quantity of honey.

Eczema Treatment For Your Baby

Now mix all of this up together and make a paste which you can apply to the affected area.Finally, the fifth thing you can do to treat yourself involves using some evening primrose oil to the affected area on the skin. Evening primrose oil has essential fatty acids that can effectively lubricate your skin.
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Eczema Skin Treatment

If you are looking for the best eczema skin treatment you will benefit from reading further. Do you feel that you are stuck with your eczema because doctors are not able to help you? There is no reason for you to despair because you have been following the wrong course of action all this time.

An eczema skin treatment consisting of corticosteroids, antibiotics and antihistamines will get you nowhere because they are not attacking the root cause of your illness. In addition to this, they have plenty of scary side effects and you would be very wise to dump this course of treatment. Additionally, if you calculate how much money you have spent on these medicines thus far you will feel cheated.

It is common knowledge that the best eczema skin treatment is in your very own home. You have the means to cure this disease in the comfort and privacy of your own home without having to spend too much money. Wouldn't you agree that this is the best deal possible?

Before commencing your treatment you have to identify the allergic triggers in your particular case. A very common cause is a food allergy, although exposure to chemicals in detergents is a close second. Some people are also allergic to sunlight. You have no choice but to avoid the irritants in your case if you wish to make any headway against this disease.

Since this disease is characterized by dry flaky skin it follows that you have to keep your skin deeply moisturized. Throw away any harsh soaps and loofahs you possess. Look for a mild, unperfumed, fat based soap that can lock the moisture in your pores for as long as possible. A colloidal oatmeal solution will clean your skin while gently removing the dead cells from the surface.

After your bath you should gently pat yourself dry and moisturize yourself thoroughly. Select one of the many excellent natural moisturizers available. Cocoa butter and shea butter are excellent moisturizers, but ensure that the one you pick does not have artificial perfumes or colors. You must pay close attention to badly affected areas so that they get maximum benefit from using the moisturizer.

The final element of the best eczema skin treatment is consumption of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to keep your skin healthy from within. This eczema skin treatment will clear up your skin in a few weeks time and will keep you protected against future attacks.

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